A short squeeze is a situation in which a heavily shorted stock or commodity moves sharply higher, forcing short sellers to close out their short positions and adding to the upward pressure on the stock. Short squeezes can be triggered by a positive development in the underlying company, such as a strong earnings report, or by a short squeeze itself, as short sellers rush to cover their positions. Short squeezes can be especially painful for short sellers, as they can be forced to buy back their positions at much higher prices than they sold them for.
多头陷阱:即为多头设置的陷阱,通常发生在指数或股价屡创新高,并迅速 突破原来的指数区且达到新高点,随后迅速滑落跌破以前的支撑位,结果使在高位买 进的投资者严重被套。 空头陷阱:通常出现在指数或股价从高位区以高成交量跌至一个新的低点区, 并造成向下突破的假象,使恐慌抛盘涌出后迅速回升至原先的密集成交区,并向上突 破原压力线,使在低点卖出者踏空。“空头陷阱”,即主流资金大力做空,通过盘面中显现出明显疲弱的形态,诱使投资者得出股市将继续大幅下跌的结论,并恐慌性抛售的市场情况。空头陷阱在k线走势上的特征往往是连续几根长阴线暴跌,贯穿各种强支撑位,有时甚至伴随向下跳空缺口,引发市场中恐慌情绪然后达到洗盘后迅速拉起